Thursday, April 8, 2010

Peyton's big boy bath

On March 26th, We tried taking a bath without Peyton in his baby tub, since he is finally sitting up well enough by himself. What a cute little boy!!!
Rub a dub dub 2 brothers in a tub!!!! What cute little boys we have!!!

Cheyenne learning to ride a bike.

Later that day, Sammie came in and told me that Cheyenne should learn to ride a bike without training wheels because she wasn't even using them. So we got on our protective gear and went out to see if she could do it.
First she road 20 feet and then got wobbly and said she didn't want to do it any more. I told her to come on and try it again. She was amazing. She road all the way to the end of the block. She turned around and road back home.
Cheyenne has been the easiest by far to teach how to ride a bike without training wheels. I think she fell like 2 times. Way to go Cheyenne. We are so proud of you. You did awesome!!!
I am so glad that she didn't take as long as her mom and older sister to learn how to ride a bike. She did awesome! We are so proud of you!!!

My little golf pro!!!

Ryan decided to take Christian to the range at the golf course to hit a bucket of balls. Ryan loves that he is finally able to do stuff like this with his boys.
Christian hitting one of the balls. You can see a little yellow ball zooming away.
Ryan said a bucket of balls has never gone by so fast.
Look at that follow through. What a stud Christian. Way to go.
Christian had a blast with his dad playing golf. It will be nice when he can take Peyton also and the girls and I can go shopping!!!