Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our little fishes

So the kids took swimming lessons during July 6th-17th. On the last day they got to go off the diving board and the slide. Sammie likes going off the diving board. She is getting better at it. Maybe next year she can go without any one catching her.
Here is Sammie going down the slide without anyone catching her. She swam all of the way to the side. She is getting the hang of it.
Cheyenne loves to float. I don't know how she does it but she can float forever. Maybe the little bit of extra air in her tummy helps a little bit to keep her afloat. She just doesn't sink.
Here is Cheyenne swimming to the side of the pool with her teacher after she jumped off of the diving board. She isn't scared and didn't need a life jacket either. Way to go Chey!!!

Christian loved going to swim lessons. He was such a good swimmer. He would ask you to put his face in the water. He would just jump in and get wet. He definately was not afraid to do anything.

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