Tuesday, January 25, 2011

24th of July!!!

So after the parade, my family went up to the reservoir. We have started doing this on the 24th and we take a picnic and have fun in the sun and water!!!
Sammie, Cheyenne, Nicole, Christian, and Ryan go out on one of the rafts!!! They have so much fun splashing each other and having races with the other raft.
Cheyenne and Ryan just like going out and bob in the water. Me on the other hand, just sit on the side and watch everyone.
Sammie, I think you have enough floating devices!!! I don't think anything will happen to you.
Christian and Ben just chill out in the raft until someone will push them out!
Most of the time however, they just like playing in the sand, when the sand isn't to hot to touch!!!
Peyton liked being down by the water. He liked touching the cold sand and not the burning hot sand!
Oh my cute little chunky monkey in the little raft. He loved floating in that.
Smile Samantha and Christian
One more picture before it was time to leave, to go home and get ready for the BBQ and fireworks!!!

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