Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Family Santa Party

On Dec. 19th, we had our annual family santa party. We ate first and then we had a talent show. The first talent that was shown was my mom, sisters and I did a synchronized swimming show. My mom decided that we should do it and Jill and my mom came up with the routine. It was so funny. We had a good time doing it together.
What great puckers we have!!!
Next Nicole, Tyler, Sara and Sammie all played a song on the piano. Sammie played The Christmas Song, Chestnuts roasting on an Open Fire. This was her first time playing in front of anyone. She did so well. We were so proud of her.
Next we played Christmas bingo. Cheyenne won bingo. She was so happy.
Ryan and Sammie trying to win at bingo but they didn't do to well.
Uncle Jeff held Peyton so I could go and change back into my normal clothes. He wouldn't give Peyton back and he ended up getting Peyton to sleep for me. Thanks Jeff.
Ben was one of the lucky ones that got to sit on Santa's lap first. Christian decided to go see what Ben got from Santa.
Santa gave Cheyenne a gift. She was the first one out of our little family to sit on his lap. She was so excited to get her gift first.
Santa gave Cheyenne a Tinkerbell doll. She loves Tinkerbell.
Next was Christian's turn. He was so funny. I can't believe that he would have nothing to do with Santa. He is such an outgoing kid that I would have never thought that he would be afraid of him. I asked my sister if she thought that Ben would go and sit on Santa's lap, thinking Ben would be the one not to go up. Boy was I wrong.
Santa ended up getting one smile out of him once he showed him his present. He can be easily bribed.
Santa gave Christian an automatic Thomas the train. He loved that it goes all by itself.
Sammie with Santa.
Santa gave Sammie the new Connect 4. He knew exactly what she wanted.
Finally it was Peyton's turn. He didn't have a care in the world. He didn't mind Santa.
Santa gave Peyton a hammer that makes noises when you hit the head of the hammer and lights up. He will love it when he gets a little bit older. We had such a good time at our party. It was nice being with extended family.

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