Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Peyton's Surgery

On April 6th Peyton got a rectal abcess and I took him to the Dr's and the Dr told us that if it didn't go away by Friday with 2 antibiotics and sitz baths 3 times a day he will have to have surgery. We didn't like the sound of that. So on Friday we took him back in and the Dr said that it looked so much better that we didn't have to have surgery. Well on May 1st, it came back and we went back down to our Pediatrician Dr B and he sliced the abcess opened, which was horrible for a mother to watch. I usually can handle things like that being a nurse, but that was no fun, especially for Peyton. Dr B cultured the infection and told me to call Primary Children's Hospital and go see the Gastroenterologist and see what he says to do next. Dr B put Peyton on more antibiotics. So right when I got home, I called Primary Chrildren's and of course they weren't open until Monday. That is a long time to wait when it is your baby that has something wrong. On Monday we called and they told us to come right in to the Riverton location. We went and saw Dr B. He was awesome and told us that Peyton had a rectal fistula and it tunneled up inside about an inch. He said we can have surgery as soon as possible to get it fixed. Well we scheduled it for the very next morning. Here Peyton is looking so cute in his hospital gown.
Peyton and Ryan wait for the nurse to come take his vital signs.
Peyton and I still waiting. Goodness, I look so tired. I guess probably because I didn't sleep well and had to get up at 5:00 am to get up here by 7:00. We tried to do it at Primary Children's hospital but it would be about a month to get in there and at UVRMC it took 2 weeks. So we opted to come here. It was so nice and new. We loved it there.
Thank goodness they had some toys on the wall to keep Peyton entertained. He was kind of ornery since he hasn't had anything to eat since 3:00.
It was so sad when the anestesiologist took Peyton from me and we watched Peyton and the Dr walk down the hallway. I am so glad he didn't cry because that would have killed me. It was very hard to have your first child go to surgery and have it your baby. The surgery honestly took only 10 minutes at tops. It was so fast. They didn't have to put in an IV or intubate him. Once he got back to recovery they had Ryan and I right back there. Of course he was screaming for something to eat. They gave him 3 bottles of pedialyte or something like that. He still screamed for more and they said that was to much for right now. Goodness, can't they see that my child was withering away. He is STARVING!!!!
They finally let Peyton have a cracker once he was totally awake. He was so much happier then.
Yeah, we are so glad that is over. Dr B said that he has only had 1 come back in the whole time he has practiced. I think he said it was 12 or 22 years. So Yeah, I am glad it is over. It hasn't been fun especially for Peyton. He was so tough through the whole thing.

1 comment:

Jodi Gallagher said...

Surgery is never fun! I'm glad he's o.k. He sure is cute!