Monday, January 18, 2010

Christmas Morning

I love looking at the Christmas laid out before it is all messed up from everyone. It is so peaceful to me for some reason. I just love it. It just gets me excited for the fun day with my family.
Sammie, Cheyenne, and Christian looking to see what Santa brought them in their stockings!!!
Peyton with his Jazz warm up suit.
Any time Christian opened a present he had the funniest expressions. He cracks me up.
This was the one gift that Cheyenne asked Santa to bring her. She was so excited to get her Three Musketters Barbie.
Sammie with her rollerblades so she can go rollerblading with her friends.
Cute little Peyton was so oblivious to everything. He was just excited to have something in his hands to play with.
Wow look at that face. He acts like he just won a million dollars. Kids like him make Christmas so fun!!!
Cheyenne and Samantha got new comforters for their beds!!! Yeah!!! They really needed them.
I was very excited to open a subscription to People magazine. Ryan surprised me with this. I loved it.
I got Ryan a Jeter Jersey that he wanted. He looks so good in it.
Sammie, Christian, and Cheyenne just opened the gift from Santa to the family. We will have fun playing this together.

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